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08 Jan

6 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Drones to Inspect Roofs

Large and composite constructions can be difficult, expensive, and dangerous to assess from the roof. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a roofer’s job is one of the riskiest vocations in the world. On the other hand, roof inspections with a drone are an opportunity to simplify the process, safer, more affordable, and more efficient. There are several reasons you should start using drones to inspect roofs, which include;

1. Ensures safety.

Drone roof inspection eliminates most dangers of traditional roof inspection techniques. Risks arise directly from buildings’ design and construction. Complex designs, great heights, damaged roofs and structures, and difficult-to-access spots may pose a risk to workers, building occupants, and anybody else around. Data collection without putting employees at risk is one of the primary advantages of using drones to assess a variety of assets

2. Ability to collect in-depth data

The precision of drone inspections is the strongest argument for their deployment. Even when a contractor has a trained eye, there is always a potential that they will overlook a small break in the roof. For instance, roofers in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Gabriel County can significantly lower the danger of human mistakes while improving the accuracy of the data obtained with the aid of drones. For instance, drones with infrared sensors may look for moisture pockets that are often a problem for business flat roofs.

Remember that drones are merely tools. As a result, during roof inspections with a drone, you must still take care to work with knowledgeable residential and commercial roofing contractors. After all, they’ll be the ones analyzing the information the drone collected.

3. Gives Faster Results

Traditional building inspections demand careful preparation and execution. As a result, an inspection’s preparation and execution need more time and resources. Numerous pieces of data obtained via different methods must be combined and analyzed to produce a report. Thanks to cutting-edge technology like drone roofing, it takes relatively little time to execute an inspection and roofing service when a client wants one. Since mounting climbing and access equipment is not required, team members can start the drone-based assessment as soon as they get to the location. Furthermore, it finishes the inspection in a fraction of the time needed by conventional techniques.

During a drone roof inspection, the drones can then transmit information to their inspection team on the ground or via a remote server for faster evaluation and report production without putting anyone in danger.

4. Saves Money

If you live in Orange County, Ventura County, or San Bernardino County, you can look for a drone roof inspection or drone roofing service, such as Globusroofing, for cheap and fast roofing. Using a drone to evaluate roofs makes more financial sense due to the examination’s far lower cost. No costly lifts, ladders, scaffolding, or other climbing equipment is necessary to buy, store, or transport. It also requires a small amount of staff, which reduces the number of vital supplies and labor.

Due to lowered labor and time needs, it is also possible to do several building inspections in a single day. A building inspector can perform numerous inspections simultaneously with enough drones and drone pilots. An inspector can simultaneously monitor all of the inspections from a distant office using internet access and cloud-based technology.

5. Environment-friendly Alternative

By moving to drone roof inspection, the overall environmental damage that the traditional inspection technique produces can greatly decrease. Helicopters, for instance, are employed to monitor electricity lines, which results in increased fuel consumption, high emission levels, and noise pollution. This can be done away with by drones, which will also improve the environmental impact of roof inspection.

6. Less Inconvenience to the Customer

Because there won’t be a dozen personnel outside (or on top of) the customer’s building when you execute roof inspection utilizing drones, there won’t be much disruption to their regular operation. Your client will feel better about the entire process as a result, and they will hold you and your business in the highest esteem.